Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well here it very first post...hope you enjoy it!
First let me say that you can pause the music if it gets on your nerves and secondly I am really new
to all this blog stuff so hang in with me...I will get it all
figured out! Ok so let's get started!

This is not my original idea. I saw it posted at
twopeasinabucket and just knew that I had to
make one. Unfortunately I did not get the name of
the person who made it (so if you see this let me know
and I will add your name). Anyways I went to
Michaels and bought 3 wooden plaques in different
sizes. In the smalllest one I cut a notch that would
fit my ATG using my jigsaw. then I just screwed all
the layers together using wood screws. The best
part was the altering! I spray painted the plaques
it was faster than acrylics then glued on patterned
paper and flowers! Hope you try this!