Here is what the inside is like and the dividers for each section (on the left are pictures that inspire me) I have the sections broken down as follows:
1. Printouts - this is for ideas that I find on the net and print out. Some times I just save things to the computer but I also like being able to access some of them while I am not on the puter (which is rare! lol!)
2. Templates - Some times I make my own templates like large flowers, or circles and to aviod making them again I save them in page protectors here. I usually make them from a light weight chipboard so that they will last.
3. Sketches - Some times I print out sketches for fast reference and keep them here. I also am in the process of altering a rol-o-dex to save sketches in also. I have a nicely bound sketch book that my friend Renee made for me as well. (guess I have them all over! lol!)
4, Poems and Quotes - In this section there are also page titles and other "words" that I may see on a layout while browsing a gallery, blog or really anywhere, that I might want to use on future projects.
5. Miscellaneous - All the odds and ends that I don't know what to do with like copies of on line orders, upcoming events, etc. Thanks for looking and I hope that I have inspired you to pay some attention to your own idea binder!