Monday, February 16, 2009

Have a money saving tip for you!

First let me apologize for not posting for a while. My life has been really a mess the last few months. I am trying to move on so I am going to try and post again more often. Thanks for your understanding.

I LOVE the look of the tiny Making Memories stickers on cards and layouts. Kristi (Kiber) at did an amazing job on her Altered Art piece where she used them to spell out "you hold the key to my heart" as seen below. Thanks Kristi for letting me show your work!

Well, since I cannot find them at any stores near me (just on line where I don't do much shopping) I decided to look around all my stuff to see what I could come up with. So here it is.......

I had a pack of self adhesive mailing labels (the kind you run through your printer, I think they run $3.50 for a pack of (10) 8.5 by 11 sheets at Target) and a Fiskars squeeze punch called Brick by Brick. I printed letters out on the adhesive sheet and used the punch to cut them out (see photo on left side). I know they are a bit wider than the Making Memories kind so I also cut the letters out with scissors to get narrower strips as another option see photo on right side. I personally like the ones made with the squeeze punch....the letters can be placed centered, up top or down on the bottom. (The second photo shows those done with the squeeze punch). The fonts are only limited to what you have on your computer as are the colors and sizes. You could also use adhesive backed cardstock in the same way if you wanted other than a white background. Hope you can use this idea in your creative projects!