Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well here it very first post...hope you enjoy it!
First let me say that you can pause the music if it gets on your nerves and secondly I am really new
to all this blog stuff so hang in with me...I will get it all
figured out! Ok so let's get started!

This is not my original idea. I saw it posted at
twopeasinabucket and just knew that I had to
make one. Unfortunately I did not get the name of
the person who made it (so if you see this let me know
and I will add your name). Anyways I went to
Michaels and bought 3 wooden plaques in different
sizes. In the smalllest one I cut a notch that would
fit my ATG using my jigsaw. then I just screwed all
the layers together using wood screws. The best
part was the altering! I spray painted the plaques
it was faster than acrylics then glued on patterned
paper and flowers! Hope you try this!


Judyn said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. It is a lot of fun and a great way to catch people up with what is "goin on" in your life, hobby, etc.

Unknown said...

It looks great Gina!

Kittys Creation said...

Looks awesome Gina :)

Lydia Siegel said...

This is so darn cute! Awesome job and hope to see what else you share.

Julie Howard said...

Diggin' on your site... can't wait to see more. LOVE the Matthew blinkie!

mse006 said...

wooohooo gina got a blog!!!!! yaya!!! can't wait to see more!!!

Lori said...

oo, blogging is quite fun and addictive! great first blog, love the altered project for your glue gun, that's great!! :)

tigger said...

Gina!! Looks fantastic. I'm bookmarking your blog so I can keep up with you!

My blog should be attached to my comment, somehow, (don't ask me) so please click on me too!!!

tinac said...

Ohhh gg this is so creative and so cute. I know someone else came up with it ... but thanks for sharing with us.

Carol A. said...

Happy Bloggin' Gina!

Patty Tanúz said...

Hola Ginaaaaaaaaaaa, how are you?? I saw your message in my 2 peas gallery, thanks!!! Do you know? here in México don't there many products of scrapbook and if yes there are, there are so expensive! So i have a friend that sometimes send me little things from USA and I 'am working with a DT from Spain, so, they send me to beautiful things....!!! Welcome to the blogsssssssss, and kisses from México!!!